Thursday, August 21, 2014

My definition of a hero

We talk a lot about heroes in this country.  We have entire movie franchises dedicated to "super heroes" and our entertainment and sports heroes become idols.  Compared to these ideals of what a hero is, I have always had a different definition.  Of course, like most, I consider those who protect our freedoms and who are willing to sacrifice everything for their fellow Americans to be heroes, but my personal heroes are much closer to the heart for me.  Four men in particular come to mind when I consider my definition of a hero.  I'm thinking of this today, because one of them passed away this morning.  I'd love to have you read on and find out who these men are and why I look up to them.

First, was my mom's father.  My Grandpa Cummings was an incredible human being who died in 2008.  He loved his grandkids and would never have thought twice about giving us something - even if it meant he had to go without.  I loved hanging out with him and frankly he has as much to do with my love of sports as anyone.  I mean, I have always been a Spartan fan, but for years I went to U of M football games with him, yes so I could watch the game, but mostly because it meant I got to be around my grandfather for eight hours on a Saturday.  He loved God, his wife, his kids, and as I mentioned, his grandkids.  He taught us a lot about what it meant to be a man and how we should honor women.  A World War II veteran, I never tired of hearing his stories - even if I'd heard them 100 times before and they became maybe a bit more embellished every time.

Next is my Grandpa Salsbury who passed away this morning.  As I write this, I'm not sure his death has fully sunk in.  Maybe I feel a great sense of peace because I know he had a tremendous relationship with the Lord and I am 100% sure he is with his Savior right now.  My grandfather went through nearly a year of hell on earth as a prisoner of the Germans during World War II.  And because of this, he never wanted to delve into his experiences in the war.  However, he amazed me by always being willing to talk about his time as a POW if it was for a project at school - I know it pained him tremendously to relive it, but we were his grandkids and he was going to help us get that grade.  I will always appreciate the fact that my grandfather wasn't afraid to discipline us kids.  Yes it hurt us both emotionally at the time, but I wouldn't be the man I am today if he didn't.  And his love for my grandmother was second to none.  I know I will be a successful husband if I love Vicki the way he loved my grandma.

Now, on to my father.  There is so much to say about him that I could write an entire book.  My dad means the world to me and has become one of the best friends I could ever have.  At the same time, he is and always will be a steady and guiding voice in my life.  He was not "my friend" when I was growing up, as so many parents are today.  He was my dad and I knew that he was going to let me know right from wrong.  There were times as a teenager I thought he had no clue what he was talking about and wished he would just leave me alone.  Thank God I had a father who held me to an extremely high standard and didn't allow my disobedience to slide.  I know he doesn't think he is hero material, but this is a man who VOLUNTEERED to go to Vietnam and feels guilty to this day that he didn't, even while some of our now former Presidents did everything they could to stay home and hide.  Dad - I want you to know that you never have to feel guilty, as you did serve your country and showed your kids that you must be willing to give everything to do the right thing.  And, as a grandfather to our kids, and a father-in-law to our spouses - he is incredible.  I have never seen a man who treats his children's spouses as if they were his own flesh and blood like my dad does.

Finally, and I know some of you will roll your eyes or stop reading now, is my Living Savior, Jesus Christ.  He is the ultimate Hero and the Man to whom all my other heroes aspire(d).  A man who knew I could never live up to His standards, but would have died for me, and only me, if it had been necessary.  Fortunately, He died for everyone who will so much as accept Him as their Lord and Savior.  A miracle worker now as he was when he physically walked the earth.  I have seen Him pull dark, seemingly lifeless hearts from the pit of everlasting despair.  When people say He was just a "good man" or a "fool", I am floored.  How could someone, whose closest followers wrote amazing things about His accomplishments and His resurrection, have been nothing more than a normal human being.  Lest you think those closest to him were deluded, consider that every last one of them, and a man who had once tried to rid the world of those very followers, was willing to, and often did, die for His name - even many years later.  I can also attest that Jesus, my ultimate Hero, spoke directly into my heart when my cousin should have died with a leaky aorta a number of years ago.  I'll never forget the morning when I received a call that my cousin was not going to make it, but could I please pray for him.  Immediately I hit my knees and started talking to Jesus.  I was amazed when I heard Him tell me not to worry, because my cousin, in his late 30's as I was at the time, would be perfectly fine and even more amazed later that day (though I shouldn't have been) when I got the call that the doctors said it was an absolute miracle, but my cousin would make it.  Thankfully, my cousin Jeff is still alive today and I know Who I have to thank for that.

The greatest compliment I can ever receive is that I turned out like my grandfathers and/or my father.  I know I'm far from the man I'd like to be, but God is working on me every day.  At the same time, I take great joy in knowing that one day, I will be together with all four of these men, and many of my family and friends, for eternity simply because of the legacy they each have left and are leaving behind.  I am truly grateful that they all took the time to pour their lives into mine.

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